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Kind Veterinarian Travels Around California Treating Homeless People’s Pets For Free

 More often than not, homeless people struggle to seek out the healthcare they need—never mind treatment for his or her pets. That’s why animal-loving veterinarian Dr. Kwane Stewart (aka the road Vet) spends his free time walking around California in search of homeless people with animals in need of medical attention. the great samaritan has been giving pets medical treatment since 2011—and it’s all purchased out of his pocket or by donations.

When the U.S. faced economic troubles during the good Recession in 2007, California was hit particularly hard. people that lost their jobs and have become homeless suddenly couldn’t afford to worry for his or her pets. “That was the instant on behalf of me career-wise that was enlightening,” reveals Stewart. “Up until then, I’d been practicing high-end medicine for clients who could buy everything. But suddenly I used to be thrown into this economic war.”

Stewart decided to require to the streets and commenced providing medical aid to any animal that needed it. However, he soon struggled to stay up with the mounting costs, so he found out a GoFundMe page. “Some of the pets I encounter need treatment (life-saving in some cases) which will be very costly and it’s hard to ever say no to a pet that’s suffering,” says Stewart. “The cost of minor treatments like ear infections, flea treatment or vaccines are often around $100 whereas more serious cases sort of tumor removal or dental with extractions are often $1,500.”

All donations go towards the care of those pets, but Stewart’s work also improves the lives of homeless people that are often wanting to get their furry friends the assistance they have. “Working on the streets, I’ve experienced a number of the foremost genuine stories of affection, compassion, struggle, and hope,” says Stewart. “It’s been life-changing and truly inspiring.”

Dr. Kwane Stewart / The Street Vet: Facebook | Instagram |
Introducing Dr. Kwane Stewart: the vet who spends his free time helping the pets of California-based homeless people for free of charge.
Dr. Kwane Stewart / The Street Vet: Facebook | Instagram |

He gives them regular check ups, vaccines, flea treatment, and more.

Dr. Kwane Stewart / The Street Vet: Facebook | Instagram |

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