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WHO: Corona Virus is Taking Hold in Iran

WHO: Corona Virus is Taking Hold in Iran!

  Image source: Reuters

The World Health Organization (WHO) announced on Tuesday that the new Coronavirus has become entrenched in Iran, warning that a lack of preventive equipment for health care workers is complicating efforts to contain the spread of the virus.

"The situation is not easy," Michael Raine, executive director of WHO's health emergency program, told reporters in Geneva.

He pointed out that the outbreak of the virus, whose death toll in Iran has reached 77 cases and infected 2,300 people, affects a number of cities.

Like other countries, he said, the virus has become entrenched in Iran.

Ryan stressed that eradicating the virus in countries where outbreaks were "difficult" but "not impossible".

"Doctors and nurses are concerned about the lack of necessary quantities of equipment, supplies, ventilators, breathing assistance, and oxygen," said the WHO Executive Director of the WHO's emergency health program.

On Tuesday, the organization announced that supplies of preventive equipment are rapidly depleted, threatening efforts to contain the outbreak of the virus that has so far killed 3,100 people, mostly in China.

However, the problem in Iran is extremely dangerous.

"These needs are greater for the Iranian health system than for most health systems in other countries," Ryan said.

On Monday, a plane arrived by Iran, which was brought in by a medical team and aid, to deal with an outbreak of the Coronavirus emerging in Iran.

Iran has decided to close schools and universities, suspend major cultural and sports activities, and reduce working hours to try to contain the virus's spread.

The new toll on Tuesday is the highest daily rate detected by the authorities since the first case was officially announced on February 19.

On Tuesday, Birhsin Koleewand, head of the national emergency service, was infected with the virus, a service spokesman told AFP.

On Monday, Iran's official IRNA news agency reported the death of 72-year-old Muhammed Mohammadi, the Expediency Council.

Last week, Iranian Deputy Minister of Health, Iraj Hariri, contracted the virus.

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