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How to raise little kittens

Breeding Cats:

   Breeding pets is one of the enjoyable things for a person. Some people do it for trade and money, 
and some of them do it for fun only. There are many animals that a person could domesticate from ancient times to get used to living with humans. Among the most prominent of these animals are cats And there is a great diversity in the species of cats, including domestic cats that man was able to domesticate nearly 4000 years ago, that is, since the time of the Pharaohs, they are smart animals, and they are characterized by their ability to adapt to live with humans, in addition to that they are clean and love cleanliness as the cat is an animal Gentle and quiet loves to play, which made her a close friend of man.

 Important factors for successful cat breeding:

 Cats are distinguished from others by the fact that it is easy to take care of them, so it is necessary to think about several things before making the decision to acquire a cat, the most important of which are:

 Taking into account that the care of cats should be continuous, as this requires attention to feeding, cleaning, and removing their droppings. The ability to pay for cat care, in terms of food costs and vaccinations. Ensure there is enough space in the house.


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